Hidden Camera Glasses: Eyes Wide Capture

When it comes to personal surveillance, spy glasses are the ultimate tool. Not only do they give you the ability to see the world in high definition, but they also allow you to record and capture every moment, without anyone even knowing. With these bad boys, you’ll feel like James Bond on a mission, or like Ethan Hunt in a high-stakes operation.

But spy glasses aren’t just for spies and undercover agents, they are also great for everyday use. With built-in motion sensors and GPS tracking, you can know your exact location at all times. Plus, imagine being able to record your entire day and relive it later, or even share it with friends and family. You’ll be like Jason Bourne, but without all the amnesia and running from the government.

The best part is, spy glasses are designed to look like regular glasses, so no one will even know you are wearing them. They are the ultimate tool for convenience and functionality. So if you want to take your surveillance game to the next level and have a little extra edge, spy glasses are the way to go.

Where to buy good spy camera glasses?

When choosing a provider of hidden camera glasses, there are several factors to consider to ensure you are getting a quality product that meets your needs and is legally compliant.

Look for well-known and reputable brands that have a history of producing high-quality spy glasses. Do research on the brand, look for customer reviews and feedback to get an idea of the quality of their products and customer service.

So, which are the best camera glasses?

Quality and the brand

There are several brands that are known for producing spy glasses. Some of the most popular brands include:

  1. Spy Optic: This company produces a wide range of spy glasses, including models with built-in cameras, night vision capabilities, and GPS tracking.
  2. Tacticool: Tacticool is known for producing high-quality spy sunglasses with advanced features such as night vision and audio recording.
  3. Spy Gear: Spy Gear produces a wide range of spy toys and gadgets, including spy glasses with built-in cameras and night vision capabilities.
  4. Esonstyle: This brand offers a wide range of spy glasses with high-resolution cameras and night vision capabilities.
  5. BrickHouse Security: This brand produces a variety of security and surveillance equipment, including spy glasses with built-in cameras and night vision capabilities.

Some popular models available in the USA include:

HD 1080P Spy Glasses

spy glasses
hidden camera glasses

A stylish and discreet pair of hidden camera glasses with 1080p video resolution, audio recording capabilities and electronic video stabilization.

Kestrel 2 Video Glasses with remote

friends online video chat
sync spy camera time

A high-tech pair of glasses with a 1080p video resolution camera and built-in microphone for audio recording.

Stylish Spy Glasses

hidden camera glasses

 A fashionable pair of glasses with a built-in camera and one button activated recording. They allow you to record video in 720p and transfer the recorded videos via USB. They also offer the option of picture taking.

Koel Spy Glasses

computer usb interface
pc camera

A versatile pair of hidden camera glasses with 720p video resolution, audio recording, and noise and wind canceling technology.

These are just a few examples of the brands that produce spy glasses that also work as audio recorders. It’s important to note that not all products from these brands are legally compliant, always check with the laws and regulations in your country or state before buying or using them, and also read reviews from other customers to make sure you are getting a quality product.

Return and shipping policy

Consider the store’s return policy, and make sure you understand the process for returning or exchanging the product if it is defective or does not meet your needs. Also, take a look at their shipping policy, how long it takes to receive the product and if they have an option for expedited shipping.

Why you may need spy glasses

Spy glasses are an important tool for those who need to gather information discreetly and securely. Spy glasses are typically equipped with a hidden camera and audio recording device, allowing the wearer to capture images and audio without anyone else knowing. This makes them ideal for people who need to conduct surveillance and undercover operations, as they can do so without drawing attention to themselves. Spy glasses can also be a great tool for journalists, investigators, and other professionals who need to capture audio and video evidence in the field. They can also be used by security personnel and law enforcement to monitor a situation or location.

Types of spy glasses

There are 2 basic types of spy glasses: optics and sunglasses. Which type is better? It depends on the situation and what you need the glasses to do. If you are looking to record footage or take pictures, then optic spy glasses would be the better choice. If you are looking for a more discreet way to observe your surroundings, then spy sunglasses would be better.

Spy optic glasses

Camera lenses in optical glasses are typically hidden in the bridge of the glasses, between the two lenses. This allows for a discreet way to record audio and video without detection.

Other features of spy optic glasses include night vision, motion-activated recording, and audio recording. Night vision allows for recording in low-light conditions and motion-activated recording triggers the camera to record when movement is detected. Audio recording can be used to capture conversations in the vicinity of the glasses. Additionally, some spy glasses models offer Wi-Fi streaming, allowing for real-time viewing of footage on a smartphone or tablet.

All the technology is micro and is discretely placed around the frames of the glasses.

Hidden cam sunglasses

Mirrored lenses in hidden camera sunglasses work by reflecting the light that hits them so that the wearer’s eyes are not visible from the outside. The lenses are usually coated with a reflective material, such as a metallic layer or layers of dielectric material. In sunglasses, the reflective layer redirects visible light away from the wearer’s eyes, preventing objects from being seen from the outside. The reflective layer originally helps protect the wearer from harmful UV rays, but in case of spy sunglasses the main functionality is hiding eyes and emotions of person wearing them.

Additionally, mirrored lenses as opposed to prescription lenses, are distracting from the person that you might want to record and this is why the camouflage camera very well.

How to choose the best spy glasses? List of key features of the best camera glasses

When looking to purchase spy glasses, there are a few key features to consider to ensure you choose the best option for your needs. By considering features listed below, you can make an informed decision and choose the best spy glasses for your needs.

Camera resolution

The camera resolution and video quality is an important factor to consider when choosing spy glasses. Higher resolution cameras will provide better quality footage, which can be helpful if you need to use the footage for evidence or documentation.

Battery life

It’s important to consider the battery life of the spy glasses you choose. If you plan on using the glasses for long periods of time, you’ll want to look for a pair that has a long battery life.


sd cards

Consider the storage options available on the spy glasses you are considering. Some glasses have internal storage while others require external memory microSD card.


Look for spy glasses that have wireless connectivity options such as Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. This will allow you to easily transfer the video files or footage to your phone or computer for viewing and storage.

Size and design

Consider the size and design of the glasses. You want to make sure they are comfortable to wear and don’t look suspicious. Some spy glasses are designed to look like regular glasses while others are more discreet.

Additional features: Night vision, audio recording, remote control

Some spy glasses come with additional features such as night vision, audio recording, and remote control. Long wave blue light, also known as near-infrared (NIR) light, is a type of light that falls just outside the visible spectrum of light, between visible blue and infrared. This technology is often used in night vision and low light cameras, such as those used in surveillance and security applications, as well as in wildlife and nature photography. The light is invisible to the human eye, making it ideal for covert operations. It is also less disruptive to nocturnal animals, making it perfect for wildlife observation.

When used in video recording, long wave blue light allows cameras to capture footage with less noise and higher resolution than would be possible with traditional low light cameras. Additionally, long wave blue light can be used to enhance the color and contrast of a scene, making it easier to identify details and objects in the footage.

Consider which additional features are important to you and choose a pair of spy glasses that meets your needs. If you need to capture footage in low light conditions, you may want to look for a pair that has night vision capabilities, including the long wave blue light technology.

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remote viewing


Spy glasses are worn on your face, so you want to ensure that they are made of durable materials that can withstand regular use.


As with any purchase, it’s important to consider the cost of the spy glasses. Make sure to compare prices and features to ensure you are getting the best value for your money.

Is it legal to use spy glasses?

Using spy glasses is generally legal as long as they are used for legitimate and lawful purposes. When it comes to your own security, it is legal to use them, such as monitoring your own property or personal belongings. However, there are some laws and restrictions that may apply, such as not being able to record audio or video of someone without their consent. It is also illegal to use spy glasses for the purpose of harassment or stalking, or to record footage inside someone’s home without their permission. Additionally, it is illegal to use spy glasses in sensitive places such as critical infrastructure, government buildings and military bases without proper authorization. It’s important to be aware of the laws and regulations in your country or state and to use your spy glasses responsibly and in a lawful manner. If you have any doubts, it’s always best to check with a lawyer or legal professional.

Is it ethical to use hidden camera glasses for gathering evidences (i.e. abuse)?

The use of spy camera glasses to gather evidence of abuse can be a sensitive and complex issue. On one hand, if a person is experiencing abuse, they may feel that they have the right to gather evidence in order to protect themselves and seek help. On the other hand, using spy glasses to secretly record a person can be seen as an invasion of privacy, and can damage trust and communication in a relationship.

If someone is experiencing abuse, it’s important that they have a safe and reliable way to gather evidence. Using spy glasses to record abuse can be a way to document the abuse and provide proof of it, which can be helpful when seeking legal or medical help.

However, it’s important to consider the potential risks and downsides of using spy glasses to record abuse. It’s also important to keep in mind that if you are experiencing abuse, you should seek help from a professional counselor or therapist, and possibly the authorities. It’s important to have a safety plan in place and not to rely solely on evidence gathering as it can be dangerous and it’s not the only way to address the problem.

It’s important to consider the ethical implications of using spy glasses in a situation of abuse, and to weigh the potential benefits against the potential harm it can cause. Ultimately, it’s up to each individual to decide if they believe it is ethical to use spy glasses to document abuse.


Safety glasses are often used in surveillance and security applications, as well as in wildlife and nature photography, but also for personal use such as monitoring property or personal belongings. However, it’s important to be aware of the laws and regulations regarding their use, as they may not be legal to use in certain situations, such as recording audio or video of someone without their consent, or in sensitive places like government buildings or critical infrastructures.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to elevate your surveillance game and become the ultimate spy. Just make sure to use them responsibly and according to the laws and regulations in your area. Get your spy glasses now!

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Table of Contents
spy glasses
hidden camera glasses
spy glasses
spy glasses